Magento 500 internal server error
Today we will find out a solution troubleshooting Internal Server Error with Magento Store in any case for any reason. Many users encounter this weird Magento 500 Internal Server Errors. I will try to list the most common solutions. These errors are not always caused by the same reason. You should try to take a look at your server’s error logs to get some help about this error.
We can get info about the errors by Turning on Developer Mode. Look in the Magento bootstrap file (index.php), you will see lines similar to the following around line 63-67
#ini_set(‘display_errors’, 1);
Uncomment these. In a production system, you’d never want to have your errors display to the browser, but while developing having an errors and warnings thrown immediately in your face is invaluable.
This way, you will see the actually problem which lead to the Internal Error Server. In almost cases, the reason is that there is an exception throw after output is sent to browser.
Sometime, this error is not visible and it just affect and make some Magento feature not working, for example this error just can be seen with Web Developer by tracking Ajax request and response. So here are a few possible reason
– Htaccess file which is located at Magento root folder. It will be this case if you meet Internal Server Error on every page. Try to remove it for testing purpose
If your website was running file for a long time, then it must be a change at Server side, just submit a ticket to Hosting Company.
If you are getting weird 500 internal server errors on specific pages of your site, it might be a matter of resources. I was getting internal server erros on some product pages and on the I found out that the .htacess file of my magento installation was somehow reset and the php_value memory_limit value was set to 32M as soon as I raised it, the internal server errors vanished! You should use at least 256M for over 600-700 SKUs. Magento is very resource hungry and it is easy to get these kind of errors if you try to save some bucks from the hosting.
Some cases the reason might be default permission on some hosting. To solve this go to File Manager and then change the file permission of index.php file from 664 to 644. Also change the permissions of downloader/index.php file to 644 as well otherwise when you will try to access System > Magento Connect >Magento Connect Manager (after magento installation) by logging to magento admin, you will get 500 Internal Server Error.
If the curl extension is missing you can get 500 Internal server error. You can install it using the command below:
apt-get install curl libcurl3 libcurl3-dev php5-curl