How to do SEO in Magento

Magento supports search engine friendly e-commerce applications.

The Search Engine Optimization for Magento can be enabled through the script admin area -> System -> Configuration -> Web -> Search Engines Optimization

In the URL Options it is recommended to turn off the Add Store Code to Urls function (it is set to No by default).


Also, Magento installation set the default page title to Magento Commerce. Pick a more descriptive one and change it from the script admin area ->System -> Configuration -> Design -> HTML Head.
Enter the new one in the Default Title field. It will be used for pages without custom title. If you want your store name to appear in all page titles put it in the Title Suffix field.

How to set SSL in Magento

The private SSL certificate is an important upgrade to your website. The basic function of an SSL is to encrypt all communication between the browser and the server, ensuring that all data goes through a secure (HTTPS) connection. An SSL certificate is a necessity when you want to operate an online shop and process the sensitive customers data through your software. It helps you gain your clients’ trust and increase your web site’s search engines rank.

The certificate could be easily enabled through the Magento Admin area -> System -> Configuration -> Web.
There you can define the insecure (non-SSL) and secure (SSL) URLs

In the Base URL fields you should enter the unsecure (regular) web site URL and the web site URL for the SSL connections. You can leave the other values unchanged, as they will be set automatically by the script after you enter the Base URL. Basically the other fields define the URLs of the main Magento store page and the URLs of the skin, media and JavaScript folders. The drop-down menus allow you to enable and disable the SSL support for the web site’s frontend and backend.

Configuring Magento for Development / Debug Mode

1. Disable Cache
System > Cache Management > Select All [check-boxes] > Actions = Disable > Submit

2. Re-Index All
System > Index Management > Select All [check-boxes] > Actions = Reindex Data > Submit

3. Disable Compilation
System > Tools > Compilation > Disable

Note: By default compilation mode is disabled. So just check if the Compiler Status is Enabled or not.

4. Turn on Error Reporting
a> open index.php and un-comment the following line

#ini_set(‘display_errors’, 1);

b> open .htaccess and add the following line at the end


5. Turn on Logging
System > Configuration > Advanced > Developer > Log Settings > Enabled => Yes

6. Configuring Mangeto Error Page
rename errors/local.xml.sample to errors/local.xml

7. Install ‘Easy Template Path Hints’
Install Easy Template Path Hints for turning on/off the template path hints for frontend and backend easily & securely.

That’s all. If you are getting any issue,please contact us

How to get skin url,media url,base url and store url in magento

Get Magento URL paths of skin, Media, JS, Base and Store URL in CMS pages. There are different ways to retrieve mentioned URL paths depending on where section you’re editing.

To Retrieve URL path in STATIC BLOCK

{{skin url=’images/sampleimage.jpg ‘}}

To get Media URL
{{media url=’/sampleimage.jpg’}}

To get Store URL
{{store url=’mypage.html’}}

To get Base URL
{{base url=’yourstore/mypage.html’}}

To Retrieve URL path in PHTML
Note: In editing PHTML don’t forget to enclode the following code with PHP tag

Not secure Skin URL
<?php echo $this->getSkinUrl(‘images/sampleimage.jpg’) ?>

Secure Skin URL
<?php echo $this->getSkinUrl(‘images/ sampleimage.gif’, array(‘_secure’=>true)) ?>

Get Current URL
$current_url = Mage::helper(‘core/url’)->getCurrentUrl();

Get Home URL
$home_url = Mage::helper(‘core/url’)->getHomeUrl();

Get Magento Media URL

Get Magento Skin URL

Get Magento Store URL

Get Magento Js URL

How to change Magento contacts page into a 1 column layout

The layout for the page is controlled by app/design/frontend/default/YOURTEMPLATE/layout/contacts.xml

Find the code around line 37
<reference name=”root”>
<action method=”setTemplate”><template>page/2columns-left.phtml</template></action>
<action method=”setHeaderTitle” translate=”title” module=”contacts”><title>Contact Us</title>

How to display new products on home page in Magento

Go to “CMS – Manage Pages” and select “Home Page” from the list of pages.

Use this code snippet into your design page layout on your front page:

<reference name=”content”>
<block type=”catalog/product_new” name=”” alias=”product_new” template=”catalog/product/new.phtml” after=”cms_page”>
<action method=”addPriceBlockType”><type>bundle</type><block>bundle/catalog_product_price</block>

Note : You must have some new products in your catalogue for anything to show when you do this. In this context new doesn’t mean that you’ve recently added them; only products explicitly marked as new using ‘Set Product as New from Date’ and ‘Set Product as New to Date’ options in the ‘General’ product information page in the admin tool will be shown.

Create Admin Roles in Magento

Follow these steps to create admin roles in magneto :

1- From the Admin Panel, select System > Permissions > Roles.
2- Click the [Add New Role] button.
3- Provide a Role Name [i.e. SEO]
4- Select the Role Resources option in the Role Information panel on the left.
5- Select the features you would like to give this user access to.
6- Click the [Save Role] button to save your changes.

WordPress Classifieds Plugins

Here I am posting usefull classified plugins.

1- Another WordPress Classifieds Plugin (AWPCP)
This plugin is Great for increasing retention to your site, adding revenue for your business, and creating customer interaction and this plugin includes much more options, it is highly configurable and customizable according to the needs of your website. You can can found the full feature list on plugin official WordPress website section. You can check AWPCP website for more information.

2- WP Classified
This plugin allows you to add a simple information & advertising blackboard or classified page in to your wordpress blog. The functionality is basic and very easy to use. Note that this plugin will greatly help you adding classifieds section as a feature for your website. It is not designed to make classified ads the primary resource of your WordPress based website. You can check WP Classified website for more information.

3- Your Classified Ads
Your Classified Ads is a plugin that adds classified ads to your WordPress blog.
Key features
Uses custom post types and custom taxonomies.
Multi-taxonomies searches
Powered by One Quick Post; which means : frontend posting, guest posting, geo-search ads, file upload, author’s notifications,…
BuddyPress compatible. (Soon : specific BuddyPress features)

For information check the plugin official page

Add sidebar to post view in Twenty Eleven theme

By default Twenty Eleven doesn’t display a sidebar on the post view page, but this can be added fairly easy. We have two options for it :

1- Doing it manual changes on the code.

For this open single.php and add near the bottom

<?php get_sidebar(); ?>


<?php get_footer(); ?>

and add the below code on the functions.php file for your theme

add_filter(‘body_class’, ‘blacklist_body_class’, 20, 2);
function blacklist_body_class($wp_classes, $extra_classes) {
if( is_single() || is_page() ) :
// List of the classes to remove from the WP generated classes
$blacklist = array(‘singular’);
// Filter the body classes
foreach( $blacklist as $val ) {
if (!in_array($val, $wp_classes)) : continue;
foreach($wp_classes as $key => $value) {
if ($value == $val) unset($wp_classes[$key]);
endif; // Add the extra classes back untouched
return array_merge($wp_classes, (array) $extra_classes);

2- Option is to use simply Twenty Eleven Theme Extensions plugin
This plugin is Easy to use customizations for the default theme Twenty Eleven
add sidebars back into your blog pages, and quickly change individual color settings.

Plugin link is here :

Google Custom Search WordPress Plugin

With wordpress Google custom search plugin, wordpress user can boost the search functionality for his websites/blogs.
WordPress has a relatively good search functionality but doesn’t match keywords that well. WordPress search functionality display results ordered by date and not by its relevance to the keywords.

Here is a very good Google custom search plugin I found on the Internet and used on this site.

Click for Google Custom Search plugin

This plugin is very flexible and you can configure the both the search box and the search results.
Google Custom Search widget’s search box can be displayed as either a widget or placed anywhere in the code.

The search results can be displayed in one of three formats.

As a pop-up resizable dialog.
Within the widget, under the search box.
Displayed anywhere in the code.